3rd July 2021. Edition One. In this edition: President's Message,
Meet the Candidates,
Beecroft Station update,
Hornsby Shire Draft Thematic History,
Safer Communities Grant Funding,
M2 Motorway noise,
181-183 Beecroft Rd Child Care Centre, Ray Park Heritage Group, City of Parramatta,
Beecroft Shopping Village,
Julian Leeser's Newsletter, Vince del Gallego's Newsletter, Emma Heyde's Newsletter,
Recent Development Applications,
Latest Police Reports.
Message from the President Since
late March the Committee has met regularly and reaffirmed our
commitment and strategy in order to address community concerns such as
the M2 noise and other identified issues. As you may have heard, the
committee decided it was time for us to host a ‘public meeting’. The
agenda for this meeting includes a ‘Meet the Candidate’ session as well
as a question and answer section by members of the public. The timing (5th
August) allows residents to hear from the Council candidates regarding
policy, vision, appointments and Council re-appointments including the
positions of Mayor and A, B and C Ward representatives.
Unfortunately, with the recent COVID lockdown – the fate of this ‘public
meeting’ is in jeopardy! We can only sit, wait and watch, hopeful that
we all remain healthy. It would be a shame if this meeting cannot go
ahead given that the elections will be held in early September and a
face to face meeting with candidates would give the community some
perspective of what they have to offer the electorate. Response from the
candidates and the community thus far has been really positive so let’s
hope the meeting can still happen!! Updates will be posted when more
information is available.
MEET THE CANDIDATES, Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust Public Meeting. Beecroft
Cheltenham Civic Trust is holding a public meeting ‘to meet the Council
Candidates’ for the Hornsby Shire Council elections at 7.30pm on Thursday 5th August. The meeting will be held at the Beecroft Presbyterian Church Hall Welham Street.
We will provide further details and updates in our next eNews. We
may be forced to postpone this meeting if Covid restrictions are still
in place.
Upcoming Work at Beecroft Station We have been advised about upcoming work on the Beecroft Station Upgrade that is part of the Transport Access Program. CLICK HERE for the project update document.
Hornsby Shire Draft Thematic History Ross Walker committee member of the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust has responded to Hornsby Shire Council on the draft Thematic History Proposal CLICK HERE to read the document.
Safer Communities Grant Funding In round six of the Safer Communities Fund, the
Federal Government is providing up to $20 million for early
intervention projects and up to $10 million for security
infrastructure. Available grants are between $200,000 and $1.5
million. In the past, the BCCT has been successful with applications in
partnership with the local council. Ideas for worthwhile community
projectscan be submitted tocomment@bcct2119.com.au
Road Noise emanating from the M2 Motorway The
BCCT is continuing its campaign to have the excessive noise from the M2
addressed by government. To this end, the BCCT held an
extraordinary committee meeting on May 18th to consider proactive strategies.
Update on the Proposed Child Care Centre at 181-183 Beecroft Rd Cheltenham There
was a significant community rally against an inappropriate
development at 181-183 Beecroft Road on the day of the Land and
Environment Court's on site hearing.
Photograph courtesy of Michael Bianchino We believe the Land and Environment Court Conciliation for this property has not resulted in a decision. Instead amended plans have been uploaded to Council's website in order to address some of the concerns expressed by the community.
Submissions on the amended plans close on the 7th July 2021.
You can read the amended plans for DA/259/2020 at CLICK HERE
Ray Park Heritage Group The Ray Park Heritage Group is inviting residents to a history talk on Saturday July 17th CLICK HERE for details.
To read the July edition of the Ray Park Heritage Group Chronicle, please CLICK HERE.
Beecroft Shopping Village As of the 14th May, the DA for the redevelopment of 5 Wongala Crescent remains "Under Assessment".
Residents are encouraged to look at the plans for the redevelopment.
This proposed redevelopment will have a major influence on the character and vibrancy of Beecroft shopping precinct. CLICK HERE to view all the documents associated with DA20/2021. View from the Rail Station bus stop
Julian Leeser MP. Newsletter dated July 2nd The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
Hornsby Councillor Vince del Gallego's Newsletter dated June 22nd The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
Hornsby Councillor Emma Heyde's Newsletter dated June 14th The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
Recent Development Applications The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Web Site now has links to recently
submitted Development Applications in the 2119 postcode area for both
Hornsby and Parramatta Shire Councils. This page will be updated
with every eNews publication. CLICK HERE To access them.
The Trust has made a submission for development application DA161_2021 for 38b Malton Rd. CLICK HERE to read the Trust's submission.
Latest Police Reports CLICK HEREfor
the latest reports. Just a reminder that these reports are
regularly provided by the Ryde Police Area Command which includes the
entire suburbs of Beecroft & Cheltenham.
Annual Memberships for 2021 became due in March... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.The
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. Currently we have over 1090 email addresses. We
encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and
friends. The eNews letter is available to all who subscribe.
Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.